CSE/EE 486:  Computer Vision I

Computer Project Report # : Project 3

Hough Transform

Group #4: Isaac Gerg, Adam Ickes, Jamie McCulloch

Date: October 30, 2003

A.  Objectives
  1. Implement the Hough transform.
  2. Study the effects of Hough transform on noisy images and different edge detection methods.
  3. Study and interpret the Hough space of an edge detected image.
  4. Study the effects of discretization on the Hough transform.
  5. Become familiar with Matlab programming and the Image Processing Toolbox.
B. Methods
There are four 'M' files for this project. "wheel.m" contains the procedures for the Hough transform on the image wheel.gif using Sobel edge detection. "wheel_noise" contains the procedures for the Hough transform on the image wheelnoise.gif using Sobel edge detection. Finally, "wheel_canny" contains the procedures for the Hough transform on the image wheel.gif using Canny edge detection. 'imdetectimage.m' is a library we created to perform edge detection algorithms.

wheel.m contains four parts.

  1. Application of Sobel edge detector to wheel.gif

  2. Application of Hough transform to the edge detected image of part a.

  3. Display image space results of Hough transform at different thresholds.

  4. Display Hough Space of edge detected image.

wheel_noise.m contains four parts.

  1. Application of Sobel edge detector to wheelnoise.gif

  2. Application of Hough transform to the edge detected image of part a.

  3. Display image space results of Hough transform at different thresholds.

  4. Display Hough Space of edge detected image.

wheel_canny.m contains four parts.

  1. Application of Canny edge detector to wheel.gif

  2. Application of Hough transform to the edge detected image of part a.

  3. Display image space results of Hough transform at different thresholds.

  4. Display Hough Space of edge detected image.

Executing wheel.m from Matlab

At the command prompt enter:


Executing wheel_noise.m from Matlab

At the command prompt enter:


Executing wheel_canny.m from Matlab

At the command prompt enter:



*Note: imdetectedges.m is a user created library and does not need to be executed directly for this experiment.

C. Results

Original images used in this experiement.




Wheel.gif Sobel

Results of experiment performed on wheel.gif using Sobel edge detection.

Figure 1: Hough Space of wheel.gif with Sobel edge detection.


Figure 2: Results of Hough Transform on wheel.gif with Sobel edge detection.
Four thresholds are shown here: 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75.

Our results were as expected. By inspection of the Hough space we can see, in the middle of the Hough space, four bright areas which represent the border of the image. Upon inspection of the output results, we can see that as the threshold increases, the amount of lines visible in the image decreases. This makes sense as lines containing more pixels will have higher weights in the accumulator array. Thus, the lines displayed at the highest threshold contain the most amount of points relative to other lines found in the image.

Note: the original edge detected image is shown in f=0.0 in Figure 2. A threshold of 0.0 shows all lines in image which represent all pixels.


Wheelnoise.gif Sobel

Results of experiment performed on wheelnoise.gif using Sobel edge detection.

Figure 3: Hough Space of wheelnoise.gif with Sobel edge detection.


Figure 4: Results of Hough Transform on wheelnoise.gif with Sobel edge detection.
Four thresholds are shown here: 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75.

Our results were as expected. By inspection of the Hough space we can see, in the middle of the Hough space, four bright areas which represent the border of the image. Upon inspection of the output results, we can see that as the threshold increases, the amount of lines visible in the image decreases. This makes sense as lines containing more pixels will have higher weights in the accumulator array. Thus, the lines displayed at the highest threshold contain the most amount of points relative to other lines found in the image.

The noise has a great effect on the usefulness of the Hough transform. This is depicted very well when f = 0.25 in Figure 4. The noise falls into a line in the image and thus the Hough transform "picks it up." Only the most predominant lines containing the most amount of pixels are shown at high thresholds. Because of this, most of the lines are 'weeded out' at even lower thresholds. This is shown when f = 0.50 in Figure 4.

The Hough space reflects the noise in the image. The elliptical band in the Hough space is much smoother in Figure 1 than in Figure 3. This is due to the fact that the transform can find no concentrated lines at a particular rho and theta because of the noise. The noise 'spread out' these lines and thus yields the smoother band as shown in Figure 3.

Note: the original edge detected image is shown in f=0.0 in Figure 4. A threshold of 0.0 shows all lines in image which represent all pixels.


Wheel.gif Canny

Results of experiment performed on wheel.gif using Canny edge detection.

Figure 5: Hough Space of wheel.gif with Canny edge detection.


Figure 6: Results of Hough Transform on wheel.gif with Canny edge detection.
Four thresholds are shown here: 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75.

Our results were as expected. By inspection of the Hough space we can see, in the middle of the Hough space, four bright areas which represent the border of the image. Upon inspection of the output results, we can see that as the threshold increases, the amount of lines visible in the image decreases. This makes sense as lines containing more pixels will have higher weights in the accumulator array. Thus, the lines displayed at the highest threshold contain the most amount of points relative to other lines found in the image.

Canny edge detection works very well on images with well defined regions. Because of this, you can clearly see the amount of lines shown in Figure 6 decreases as the threshold increases.

Note: the original edge detected image is shown in f=0.0 in Figure 6. A threshold of 0.0 shows all lines in image which represent all pixels.

All results were as expected in the experiment.


D. Conclusions

The Hough transform is a powerful tool to separate straight lines in an image. The Hough transform also works well on detecting broken lines as it weights lines by how many points they contain and not by how many continuous points they contain. This is great for detecting lines in an image that might be occluded by other objects.

Alternatively, the Hough transform can be used to find parameterized curves in an image. This is done by generalizing the Hough transform algorithm used in the experiment.

The Hough transform does not work well with noise in am image. This is not necessarily due to the Hough transform, but the edge detection method. With noise in the image, the noise tends to fall into already well defined lines of the image. This weights these predefined lines incorrectly. Then, when a threshold is applied, the desired predefined lines may not be displayed or may be displayed at thresholds higher than expected.

The Hough transform is only as good as the edge detection method used to find edges in an image. This is shown clearly by our analysis of the Hough transform performed with Sobel and Canny edge detected images. Because Canny is a much better suited algorithm for wheel.gif, our results with the Hough transform are much cleaner than in the case with Sobel.

E. Appendix

Source Code

wheel.m source code.

wheel_noise.m source code.

wheel_canny.m source code.

imdetectedges.m source code.


% Project 3
% Group 8
% Isaac Gerg (idg101)
% CSE 486

close all;

% Read in images
imgWheel = imread('wheel.gif', 'gif');

% Part a - Sobel Edge Detection
imgWheel_SobelEdgeDetection = imdetectedges( imgWheel, 'sobel', 0.08);
imwrite(imgWheel_SobelEdgeDetection, 'wheel_sobel.jpg', 'jpg');

% Part b - Hough Transform
disp('Running voting algorithm...');

E = imgWheel_SobelEdgeDetection;
d_rho = 3; % 0 <= rho <= 363
d_theta = 1; % -pi/2 < theta < pi
Rmin = -256;
Rmax = 365;
R = Rmax - Rmin; % Adding 0 instead of 1 so array A has integer height.
Tmin = -89;
Tmax = 179;
T= Tmax - Tmin + 1; % Add 1 to account for zero.
% Conversion factors
toRadians = pi/180;
toDegrees = 180/pi;

% Initialize A(R,T), P
% A is accumulator, P is the list of pixels that voted for a particular point.
A = zeros(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);
P = cell(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);

for i = 1:258,
for j = 1:258,
for h = Tmin:Tmax,
if E(i,j) == 255
rho = i*cos(h*d_theta*toRadians) + j*sin(h*d_theta*toRadians) - Rmin;
k = round((rho)/d_rho) + 1;
A(h + 90, k) = A(h + 90, k) + 1;
mxTmp = P{h + 90, k};
P{h + 90, k} = [mxTmp; i j];


% Part c - Display Hough Transform
disp('Creating image from hough space...');

iMin = min(min(A));
iMax = max(max(A));

% ---- f = 0.0 ----
f = 0.00;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_0 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta, rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_0(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.25 ----
f = 0.25;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_25 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_25(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.50 ----
f = 0.50;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_50 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_50(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.75 ----
f = 0.75;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_75 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_75(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

figure('Name', 'Images After Hough Transform', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('f = 0.00');
title('f = 0.25');
title('f = 0.50');
title('f = 0.75');

imwrite(imgHough0_0, 'wheel_hough_transform0_0.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_25, 'wheel_hough_transform0_25.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_50, 'wheel_hough_transform0_50.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_75, 'wheel_hough_transform0_75.jpg', 'jpg');

% Part d - Display Hough Transform

figure('Name', 'Hough Space', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('Hough Space');
xlabel('((rho + 256) / 3) (pixels)');
ylabel('theta + 90 (degrees)');



% Project 3
% Group 8
% Isaac Gerg (idg101)
% CSE 486

close all;

% Read in images
imgWheelCanny = imread('wheel.gif', 'gif');

% Part a - canny Edge Detection
imgWheelCanny_EdgeDetection = imdetectedges( imgWheelCanny, 'canny', 0.0);
imwrite(imgWheelCanny_EdgeDetection, 'WheelCanny.jpg', 'jpg');

% Part b - Hough Transform
disp('Running voting algorithm...');

E = imgWheelCanny_EdgeDetection;
d_rho = 3; % 0 <= rho <= 363
d_theta = 1; % -pi/2 < theta < pi
Rmin = -256;
Rmax = 365;
R = Rmax - Rmin; % Adding 0 instead of 1 so array A has integer height.
Tmin = -89;
Tmax = 179;
T= Tmax - Tmin + 1; % Add 1 to account for zero.
% Conversion factors
toRadians = pi/180;
toDegrees = 180/pi;

% Initialize A(R,T), P
% A is accumulator, P is the list of pixels that voted for a particular point.
A = zeros(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);
P = cell(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);

for i = 1:256,
for j = 1:256,
for h = Tmin:Tmax,
if E(i,j) > 0.5
rho = i*cos(h*d_theta*toRadians) + j*sin(h*d_theta*toRadians) - Rmin;
k = round((rho)/d_rho) + 1;
A(h + 90, k) = A(h + 90, k) + 1;
mxTmp = P{h + 90, k};
P{h + 90, k} = [mxTmp; i j];

figure('Name', 'Hough Space', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('Hough Space');
xlabel('((rho + 256) / 3) (pixels)');
ylabel('theta + 90 (degrees)');

% Part c - Display Hough Transform
disp('Creating image from hough space...');

iMin = min(min(A));
iMax = max(max(A));

% ---- f = 0.0 ----
f = 0.00;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_0 = zeros(256, 256);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta, rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_0(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.25 ----
f = 0.25;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_25 = zeros(256, 256);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_25(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.50 ----
f = 0.50;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_50 = zeros(256, 256);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_50(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.75 ----
f = 0.75;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_75 = zeros(256, 256);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_75(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

figure('Name', 'Images After Hough Transform', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('f = 0.00');
title('f = 0.25');
title('f = 0.50');
title('f = 0.75');

imwrite(imgHough0_0, 'WheelCanny_hough_transform0_0.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_25, 'WheelCanny_hough_transform0_25.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_50, 'WheelCanny_hough_transform0_50.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_75, 'WheelCanny_hough_transform0_75.jpg', 'jpg');



% Project 3
% Group 8
% Isaac Gerg (idg101)
% CSE 486

close all;

% Read in images
imgwheelnoise = imread('wheelnoise.gif', 'gif');

% Part a - Sobel Edge Detection
imgwheelnoise_SobelEdgeDetection = imdetectedges( imgwheelnoise, 'sobel', 0.29);
imwrite(imgwheelnoise_SobelEdgeDetection, 'wheelnoise_sobel.jpg', 'jpg');

% Part b - Hough Transform
disp('Running voting algorithm...');

E = imgwheelnoise_SobelEdgeDetection;
d_rho = 3; % 0 <= rho <= 363
d_theta = 1; % -pi/2 < theta < pi
Rmin = -256;
Rmax = 365;
R = Rmax - Rmin; % Adding 0 instead of 1 so array A has integer height.
Tmin = -89;
Tmax = 179;
T= Tmax - Tmin + 1; % Add 1 to account for zero.
% Conversion factors
toRadians = pi/180;
toDegrees = 180/pi;

% Initialize A(R,T), P
% A is accumulator, P is the list of pixels that voted for a particular point.
A = zeros(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);
P = cell(T / d_theta , R / d_rho);

for i = 1:258,
for j = 1:258,
for h = Tmin:Tmax,
if E(i,j) == 255
rho = i*cos(h*d_theta*toRadians) + j*sin(h*d_theta*toRadians) - Rmin;
k = round((rho)/d_rho) + 1;
A(h + 90, k) = A(h + 90, k) + 1;
mxTmp = P{h + 90, k};
P{h + 90, k} = [mxTmp; i j];

figure('Name', 'Hough Space', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('Hough Space');
xlabel('((rho + 256) / 3) (pixels)');
ylabel('theta + 90 (degrees)');

% Part c - Display Hough Transform
disp('Creating image from hough space...');

iMin = min(min(A));
iMax = max(max(A));

% ---- f = 0.0 ----
f = 0.00;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_0 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta, rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_0(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.25 ----
f = 0.25;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_25 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_25(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.50 ----
f = 0.50;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_50 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_50(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

% ---- f = 0.75 ----
f = 0.75;
intT = iMin + f * (iMax - iMin);

imgHough0_75 = zeros(258, 258);

for theta = 1:(T / d_theta),
for rho = 1:(R / d_rho),
if A(theta,rho) > intT
mxTmp = P{theta, rho};
for i = 1:A(theta, rho),
imgHough0_75(mxTmp(i,1), mxTmp(i,2)) = 255;

figure('Name', 'Images After Hough Transform', 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'MenuBar', 'none');
title('f = 0.00');
title('f = 0.25');
title('f = 0.50');
title('f = 0.75');

imwrite(imgHough0_0, 'wheelnoise_hough_transform0_0.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_25, 'wheelnoise_hough_transform0_25.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_50, 'wheelnoise_hough_transform0_50.jpg', 'jpg');
imwrite(imgHough0_75, 'wheelnoise_hough_transform0_75.jpg', 'jpg');

Time Utilization

Isaac spent 9.5 hours on this project. Adam spent 1.5 hours on this project. Jamie spent 0 hours on this project.