Tag: matconvnet

Reading in Weights from MatConvNet to Keras — Dealing with Keras::Flatten()

Reading in the weights…

 # bastardized from https://aboveintelligent.com/face-recognition-with-keras-and-opencv-2baf2a83b799
 from scipy.io import loadmat
 data = loadmat(weightsFilename,
 net = data['net'][0,0]
 net = net.net_params[0,0]
 # first conv layer
 tmp = net.layers[1,0][0,0]
 weights = np.zeros((8,8,1,8))
 bias = np.zeros(8)
 for k in range(8):
 weights[:,:,0,k] = np.rot90(tmp.k[0,0][0,k], -2)
 bias[k] = tmp.b[0,k]
 model.layers[1].set_weights([weights, bias])

Keras Flatten() layer gave me some troubles.  In MATLAB, the last level was flattened via…

% concatenate all end layer feature maps into vector
net.fv = [];
for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{n}.a)
 sa = size(net.layers{n}.a{j});
 net.fv = [net.fv; reshape(net.layers{n}.a{j}, sa(1) * sa(2), sa(3))];

There is a final Dense layer output 2 classes.  I read the weights in from MATLAB and then mangle them to produce a MATLAB faithful computation.

 # Dense layer
 weights = np.transpose(data['net'][0,0].net_params[0,0].ffW)
 idx = np.arange(300).reshape((5,5,12)).flatten('F')
 idx = np.argsort(idx)
 weights = weights[idx,:]
 bias = data['net'][0,0].net_params[0,0].ffb.flatten()
 model.layers[8].set_weights([weights, bias])

Essentially, I mimic the forward mangling process.  MATLAB is column major.  So, I create a vector of 300 elements from 0 to 299 (my last conv layer output is 5x5x12). I flatten this vector using FORTRAN style flattening.  Now, I must get the reverse mapping which is accomplished via and argsort.  Finally, I reorder the MATLAB weight vector so that when keras reorders via flatten(), its in the same ordering as the MATLAB MatConvNet computation.

net.o = sigm(net.ffW * net.fv + repmat(net.ffb, 1, size(net.fv, 2)));